The Faster German Framework
Learn German 3x Faster than others!
This FREE Mini-Course course also includes 100 German Phrases that you need to learn right now to kick-start your German learning journey!
This list you get for free in the course itself!
- Basic phrases
- Travelling
- Translation
- Shopping in Germany
- At restaurant
- For Going around the city
Your Instructor
Bharat finished his Masters in TU Hamburg with the German taught Masters program M.Sc. internationales Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen and has helped hundreds of students to start their studies and career successfully in Germany with his online courses.
Back in 2016, I decided I ‘want to start’ learning German. A complete beginner - with very little idea of German.
It wasn’t a new year’s resolution or a hobby.
It was more of a ‘HAD TO’. If I wouldn’t reach the B2 level in 5 months, I wouldn’t be able to study my Masters at TU Hamburg - and staying in India wasn’t an option.
My university in India was in a small ‘village’ - so NO language institutions nearby. The only thing you could do there is chill out with your friends in the hostel or the nearby 'dhabas' (Indian restaurants) - still some of the best times that you'd ever experience in your life, will always be in your Bachelors.
The time came closer and I started calling up language institutions which offered ‘ONLINE COURSES’ and I couldn’t believe my ears.
‘Haanji sir, it takes 3 months per level. And fees is just 15-25K INR per level’. I quickly calculated:
A1 - 3 months, A2 - 3 months, B1 - 3 months, B2.1 - 3 months, B2.2 - 3 months
Then, of course some breaks for the exams and other holidays. So around 1.5 years.
1.5 YEARS is NOT = 5 MONTHS!.
Am I now supposed to simply DROP the PLAN?
I didn’t. I cleared the B2 EXAM in 5 MONTHS!
Now after finishing C2 level proficiency and my Masters at TUHH, I can tell you:
When you ‘HAVE TO’ get something done, you figure out the FASTEST ways to GET THINGS DONE!
The language institutions or teachers who are teaching you German right now, they don't understand your pain.
They don't understand that you don't have infinite time in the world.
That clearing language levels till B2 CANNOT take 1.5 YEARS!
Absolutely had nobody has that type of time.
You only have limited time to apply to a university!
If I relied on them, then this Masters degree that I so proudly have from TUHH, simply wouldn't exist.
Or would come at-least 1.5 to 2 years later.
And I will show you in later in the course, a lot can change in those 1.5 to 2 years.
You can miss out on a lot of experiences - a lot of 'LIFE'
That's why we decided it is time to change things and we sat through the day and night of Christmas holidays back in December 2021, and created our first German course: Faster German A1 and the course was a BIG HIT!
These exact same strategies we used while building online German courses together with my wife to get these results!
94% in Goethe A1 Exam in 1 MONTH
85% in Goethe A1 Exam in 1 MONTH
82% in Goethe A1 Exam in 15 DAYS!
81% in Goethe A1 Exam in 2 WEEKS!
That’s why now, I want to share with you strategies, how I learned German till B2 in 5 months and how you can too!
This FREE MINI-COURSE will help you to:
1. See how simply knowing German can COMPLETELY CHANGE your life
2. Identify WRONG ADVICES for learning German that are on the internet
3. Come up with a structure for learning German FASTER
4. Recognize Free and Paid resources and their pitfalls (NO - Duolingo is NOT a GREAT APP for learning language - for pretending that you are learning the language - YES!)
5. 10 Key Concepts of the proven Faster German Framework!
All the key learnings that I and Alina made to build our online courses and helped saved thousands of students their '1 Year' of Life.
What I am about to teach you will save you AT LEAST 1 year of your life!
Join the FREE MINI-COURSE to know how you can learn German 3x FASTER than others with PROOF!
Course Curriculum
Start(1/5) Learn German 3x Faster: The Faster German Framework (7:14)
Start(2/5) PROOF: Others have done it, so can you! (1:41)
Start(3/5) 10 KEY CONCEPTS of FG Framework that makes you learn German 3x Faster than others! (51:18)
Start(4/5) 100 German Phrases You NEED TO KNOW RIGHT NOW!
Start(5/5) Reach till B1 or B2? Your Choice. (7:05)